Friday, March 30, 2007

Feel the love the sweet Jesus

So some artist made a chocolate Jesus statue, right in time for Easter. There goes Easter Bunny, in disgust, out of the window. You'd think Christians of all kinds got to be real happy for that, but the Catholics are raving mad.

To make things a tad more artistic, Cosimo made his Jesus completely naked, and then specifically used milk chocolate, not just any. Go get a bite of sweet lord!

BBC puts this gruesome image on its website:

whereas the actual artist's page has this much more decently looking piece of lord (click on it to see his wiener) :

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Their country's a four-letter word anyways

This stuff with British sailors held by Iran really smells funny. Besides all the worries about the sailors, the real problem is that it smells, well, of war, and big time.

Timing is perfect. Image is perfect. The moment you think about it all seems quite awkward.

So far, the main stated reason to bully Iran was its escalated enrichment program, but all this nuclear bullshit wasn't really clicking with the public. If they tried to use it as a cause for war, everyone would be reminding them of fishy evidence they used for trashing Iraq. Valerie Plum's scandal really nailed this one down - just weeks ago.

UN security council wasn't gonna buy it either. They once approved a borderline resolution for Iraq, and US didn't bother to ask the second time. Now the Council are all on their guards. No resolution regarding Iran will have a clause for any military action, not even if its limited to throwing satellite-guided cucumbers.

The cause with sailors is all different. These are real people, and they need real help, now. Their families are struggling, and the government is obliged to help. The British government itself is on its own, no one is really helping them out. United States seem uninvolved, just expressing due condolences. This is a perfect image, one you want to feel about.

There it went, a Security Council resolution resolution urging Iran to release the prisoners. It has to click really loud in everyone's head now. You see, many the greatest wars started with a claim of a small, local provocation, and were "just responses" to actions involving death of perhaps a few people.

Remember there are presidential elections zooming in in the US. Also Tony Blair really got to go, any day now. The faked evidence used to launch the pre-Iraq bullshit campaign was fabricated, then handed to British and then handed back as legit information from one of the allies, really a kind of money laundering but with information. These two governments are bound together, I wouldn't be surprised the chiefs got commemorative tattoos on their asses. "Never forget" kind of thingy.

With all this in place, things start to look really screwed up. If that's the scenario, then the sailors really got no chance, and that's sad. I just hope the public will slap the administration early enough so they don't even think of trying.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Water huggers

So it was world water day on Thursday. Topic broke some media, and our newspaper devoted quite some space to it. There again and again, I saw the same idea, often implied and even said explicitly. It goes like this:

Drinking water supply is low in the developing world, in East Asia and Africa. Many people there live without proper sanitation and soon will be left without drinking water. It is therefore non-conscientious to abuse and run down water supply in America.

This same idea was also being sold to me by some decently educated people, one in fact from India. Now you'd think how retarded does one have to be in order to fly to America and not notice you are flying over the Pacific. Even lamest of the water-protection punks is supposed to carry at least a remote understanding that there's such thing as the world ocean. In K12, it's on all the Liberty pictures, and one story everyone has to learn is that Columbus had to sale across this thing.

The thing with oceans, is that you see, you cannot drink them. They are saline. Yet they are huge. In fact most of the planet is covered by oceans. Only tiny bit of water is fresh, and of that most is stored in polar ice caps. Oceans separate the continents, and that's why Chinese are not jumping the borders along with Mexicans. So we cannot really share. Water on the continents is the water evaporated from the oceans. Their surface is much bigger, and they are much closer to say the coast of Africa then some tiny lake in the Midwest. There is no such thing as global fresh water supply.

While we should take care of our waterways and water supplies, we'll have to do it of completely egoistic motifs. We like it that way. That obviously goes against the grain of quite some people. They just need a "higher" cause to justify them going hysterical.

Keeping the oceans clean and abundant with life is of course a global cause, but somehow it doesn't stick with the public. Maybe that's because they aren't really conscious these things even exist.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy BD!

Hoila this is my blog's zero's birthday then. Hmm. Let the rage begin!