Monday, March 17, 2008

Predatory Landing

So I could afford to rent this apartment that I live in, and some folks chose to live in a large fancy house, paying pennies on their "mortgage". Now somehow they need to be bailed out to "save the economy". In other words, I have to sponsoring their fun along with paying my rent. And the only way to make this sound any bit fair is to claim that there was a whole lot of predatory lending. You see, they are just victims.

What a pile of crap. If some crackhead robs me in the driveway, the government will not even think of paying me for my shit. They will go after the guy, and if they catch him, with some luck I'll get my stuff back. That's the basic contract. Well when companies rob people with cheater contracts, supposedly putting the entire economy toward recession, the government should go after those assholes. Catch them, prosecute them. Put them into jail, arrest their assets. Overregulate them for a good measure. Only then you may consider bailing out all the mortgage playas. And the reality? Government is subsidizing those very same companies with supercheap loans. Methinks me is being cheated.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Jennifer Marnell is a dumb cunt

This fake blond over here is Jennifer Marnell. They wouldn't let her on a fucking amusement ride so this spoiled brat decided to slim down for good. She lost just a little under what I weight myself, and she's now a god fucking celebrity. Every time I see nonsense like this it just blows my lid off. Don't you guys get it? She wasted her entire adolescence and almost entire twenties being a dumb shit who could not control what goes into her mouse. The damage to her health is irreversible and will haunt her till she dies. At the same time, millions of people took a little extra effort and stayed reasonably fit and healthy and enjoyed their lives as they could. Well, guess who's the celebrity now, you schmoes.

Don't get this wrong, I am really glad she did it. Perhaps she'll have more years to spend with her daughter. Perhaps she'll now be a happier, more confident and independent person. I just thing she belongs right there between the people who never lost control of their eating and those who are yet to regain it, period. In fact, it may be exactly the Jareds of this world responsible for quite a few pounds on your average belly.

Btw, the bitch is quite obviously on hormones. Which is probably because she had to rid of those few "last pounds", exactly what most ppl struggle with. Getting that pubic bone view may well be harder than loosing her entire 200 pounds sack in the first place. This sort of means everyone will now listen to a cheater.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


This just had to be posted :))

One day they will figure it out.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ho ho ho

It's an absolutely amazing day in Minneapolis today. It's clear, sunny and over 60 degrees. Windows are open, heating is off and I suspect there are must be people trying to tan. Squirrels are out, some dude is touching the paint and cutting trees on the outside of the apartment building next door, and I ran in the morning and then worked on my scoot a little. Got some coffee and hey it's already Christmas for Starbucks. Crazy fuckers. It must be this ridiculous for people down south every year I guess.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Straight faces

When I first used my phone's vibration feature, it totally freaked me out. Every time it was just too unexpected. So I stopped using it - unless I had the phone in my jacket's side pocket or something. Turned out to be a good thing! Otherwise, I'd be by now like totally vibrating in a phantomly kind of ways. Now that this is "official", which means some doctor said that yup, tons of people have it also, all the news are talking about phantom vibrations and it even got into this Sunday's comics section. Comics are a big deal for me.

So Ok, I can see how this is a great little filler topic for the media. What I totally don't get is how they all manage to keep them straight faces. Doesn't everybody have the same little dirty question as I do?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Purple things

I started this morning with pinkitude and Amy's story about her new very purple workbench. Just as I headed to school, there it was - one seriously purple TRUCK:

purple truckPicture doesn't make it much justice either. This is not your old lady neighbor's lil bonkers purple - this was some most flowery purple I could ever imagine, yet it was just saturated enough to be very, very noticeable.
Now try driving like a jerk in something like this ;-)

Other things are just not what they seemed to be

Rammstein is one crazy ass German band btw.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Some things you just gotta see

In fact I quite agree with the message, but all the emotions clearly show that tabloids and co. have clearly got their job well done. I mean, she's this person is associating with a multimillionaire. Then again, maybe this is fake.

Yes your honor

Do you know why this man is smiling?

Jacking judge Donald Thompson

This is kinda old, but I'd rather call it timeless.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Yeay! Lets all pig out

Now there's another great excuse for being fat!
Walking hard for many exercisers