Monday, June 25, 2007


Heard of the GodTube yet? This guy got to be subversive.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Is it just me being such a sicko? This is an advertising in my area Rainbow grocery store.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Here's a beginning of an article on modern pain killers:
You've got achy shoulders from carrying the kids, the groceries, or your incredibly heavy handbag. You look for the right pill to pop, but what should you take? Aspirin? Ibuprofen?

That's right, pain killers are for everyone! And if you get a tiny little muscle pain, that's your license to go take some medication. These same people that will say they would hit the gym if they weren't that busy, will run to their medicine cabinets the moment they happen to inadvertently get some exercise. This is the picture drug companies try to sell us. Pop a pill and be happy.

Yet anyone suffering from even modest headache knows that the fever pills you manage to pop over the days, the more stable the condition will be. In fact every bottle of painkillers will say about the same thing. At the same time drug manufacturers seem to play the double game by advancing the cause for painkillers with examples of some severe disease but then advertising painkillers for most innocent cases. And the CNN? Yeah, these got a McDonald's straw for their backbone. And the people? Well, people suffer from autoimmune and inflammatory disease more then ever.

Dream Jobz

Smoking fields of hemp being subject to so many jokes, life as always turns out way then then the dreams. Firefighters turn out not only die saving people, but sometimes have shitload of fun on the job. And yes, they took off their masks :)

Firefighters inhaled as ton of pot burned, chief says

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mosquitoes No More

Since nobody signed up for Agloco curtailing my plans to get rich fast, I'll blog about mosquitoes. Mosquito is considered Minnesota state bird, vastly populating and fiercely owning the land of ten thousand lakes and counting. There are in fact fifty species of the thing. This has a positive effect of people camping out ridiculously early, but otherwise is quite a nuisance.

Well the good news there are no more mosquitoes in Twin Cities. Maybe we just ran out of them. Or more realistically they got poisoned out after all. We won, they lost. My guess is that poison efforts were ramped up after the West Nile Virus kicked in a few years ago. Either way, there were barely any bugs last year. This spring had early signs of being quite buggy but now they are all gone. While there often wild oscillations in bug populations, this seems quite extreme. So the guess is they got kicked out.

And the most entertaining thing? Nobody noticed. Most people will have to think if you point this out. Little annoying things get noticed only when they are there and doing their business. There's a life lesson in this. Now I know why some people act like they do and just will never stop.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Passive Income with Agloco

Earn passive income with Agloco toolbarAgloco is a company trying to pinch a few bucks out of the internet advertising money. The idea is to gain ground by sharing the revenue with their subjects, and that means with you and me. The idea is not new, and quite similar to the infamous AllAdvantage. I knew of people making thousands dollars with AllAdvantage back in the dot-com days. These were all cheaters, creating countless accounts and referring these to themselves, and running bots to click links day and night :) AllAdvantage was wasting money on these dudes, and went all belly up.

What's new with Agloco is that they seem to be quite aware of this problem. Times have changed, and there are no wild investor money to throw around. On the other hand, internet advertising has matured. There's a lot more services to be advertised, and advertising technology has been perfected by Google and the likes.

You can earn passive income by signing up and installing Agloco's viewbar. It is a narrow strip similar to the window's taskbar, spanning the length of the screen. Did you notice it in the screenshot? It shows some information and the dreaded advertising. The good news is, your income does not matter on whether you click anything or not. In fact, it does not even matter if you have the taskbar on all the time.

The entire profit is divided equally. That means the best strategy is not to cheat, as that maximizes your profit-to-effort ratio! One can earn at most five browsing hours per month. So if there's ever a moment you feel you are wasting your time online, well you might as well launch the program and earn your credit.

Once you have the credits, you automatically get a share of the entire revenue produced by all members, and even company shares. There's also a referral bonus, just like in affiliate programs. This is perhaps why the word is spreading fast through the blogs. I had signed up by a referral myself.

The company is young, and the viewbar was launched just two weeks ago. So if there's ever a good time to jump on this, then that's now. Even if the thing is not going to fly, you'll get something before they bust. It is commonly observed that pioneer companies will often disappear just to clear the way for successful projects built on their experience. Yahoo did not invent email, Google did not invent the web search, and Windows was by far not the first operating system. It may well turn out that this project will live, and you'll have extra money every month without having to sacrifice a part of your life for it.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Twin Future

Having twins is a random event, an occurrence at the early stages of pregnancy. Twins are as unlikely to have twin children as anybody else.

It occurs to me that in our world of families with very few but accurately planned children, having a hereditary trait to be give birth to twins would be highly beneficial, in a plain Darwinian sense. This would effectively force families to have more kids then they "planned". As for the religiously inclined children-factory style families, this is a way to produce more kids faster. Single moms that never go or go too late for another baby will end up having more offspring as well.

With current social system in place, it appears that we are setting ourselves for totally cool future where everyone has a twin! That would of course require that there be a genetic feature allowing for such a trait, not environmental stuff like artificial conception.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

But The Memory Remains

Picked this from Wonkette. Let's just hope they did some heavy cherry picking. Still, somehow this is not surprising.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bush and Pope Meet, Annihilate Each Other

Well, not really. Whatever. These CNN pics made me realize that President can't see without reading glasses, but is well couched in body language rapport building. Both to be expected but still.