Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Now that I am at funny videos

The video is titled "Nintendo Wii Rejected Game Concepts"


Heads are for eating

Even with all the due discount for the stress this girls is under, this is an awesome piece. See if you can watch this till the end. Welcome Miss Teen South Carolina!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Agloco update

My Agloco account is ticking slowly, and I am quite happy how the thing works. It even shows some decent stuff. Links are plain text and quite non-intrusive. I browse from a rather small-screen Thinkpad laptop, but even on that it doesn't seem to take too much space. There was no distribution yet, and no talks yet about rolling out the IPO, so I am not quite rich yet.

Also, my plans to get real rich real fast have failed completely and miserably. That's because not a single person has signed up for my reference. Not like even those super close friends that I literally pressed into submission )). The system doesn't show me the names, but it does show me the number and that's a nice round zero right there. Damn. There goes my new laptop and the yacht.

They often tell stories about relationships ruined by somebody participating in one of those chain marketing schemes and how that person pushed the shit down everyone's throats and so on. So now I totally believe this. Agloco is nowhere as bad for two simple reasons. You don't have to spend your money and you benefit even before you get other people in, just not as much. Even with this, I was totally ignored, and maybe even avoided a little. I guess I should update my world domination plans a little.

Da nickel

In my grocery I had recently picked a dollar worth of brochure about how one can find all these antique treasures in a pile of garbage. Went through it and decided to kinda keep my eyes open, thought didn't quite get the bug.

So on Friday for whatever reason I took a look at my change and there it was - a 1927 nickel:
Think about this. This is a coin straight from the Great Depression. Might have been a shiny last nickel in somebody's pocket. Might have been in somebody's first salary on their way to normality or even prosperity. These sorts of things amaze me in all the things old and antique. So that's half the collector's mindset, but I am totally missing the other half.

Anyways, I Googled it up and this is considered a 1927 nickel in very good condition. It is worth somewhere between a dollar and less than $10, and it's not like there's any rush to sell it! So now I look through all my change :)) Also, my file drawer only looks so crappy when you zoom on it.

All the things I hate

I fucking hate it when people cut me with their cars and damn wave their hands at me. Waving a hand is a gesture that expresses gratitude, salutation or welcomeness. You also wave on the road when there's some sort of agreement or understanding. But what's the fucking sense of cutting a pedestrian which had a right of way with your two-ton pile of metal and then giving the dude a wave? I mean, fine. If you get there a little faster, take charge and go ahead. Warn me with a gesture. Smile perhaps. But what's up with the stupid hand wave? It's like I let it go first. No I didn't. In fact had no intention to do that. So fuck off, cuz you are cutting me and so I hate you. I don't care if you wave at me. That doesn't fix things. Go your way with a bare knowledge of me hating you. That's why you got my finger. For that fake handwave. Just to straighten things up. Did I already mention I can get a little uptight?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Porn - resistant generation

Internet appears to have changed a lot people treat their privacy. In fact, there's so much stuff out there, nobody seems to care. This is privacy through obscurity. No more scandal emails going all around the globe.

So I was listening to this video and it appeared to me that perhaps there will soon grow up another generation, totally ignorant of online porn. Or, perhaps their sexually will get screwed just too slowly for anybody to raise an alarm. Like those carpets everyone loved and now they have asthma but no one is really tearing the carpets down.

Also, I love how she says "shit".

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Second Bell for the Elections

So apparently naughty Carl is leaving the White House. Which means he'll now work from behind the curtains for a while. Not like they will shut the door for him anyways. What's obvious though is that he's for sale for the Republican presidential hopefuls. Yes, they will probably only contact him behind the curtains for the time being. Rowe himself will most likely be picking the most promising candidate.

What this probably means is that the election theater will start soon. The man that has hard time controlling his food intake, with his hands shoulder deep in blood will be pulling his strings again, and the lie will become truth, and the truth will become lie, and no one will notice. And I'll be throwing my bananas all around the place.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Big-Time Shit Happens Too

So the 35W bridge went down. This was my best route to school, but not back home, because of freaky system of separated downtown exits. 35W was under construction, and so I normally took the residential streets, about four different routes in total. One of them was on the 10th street bridge - the smaller bridge right next to 35W.

I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis
This is where we all rushed when the news came, phones drawn. Surprisingly, given enough trials you could still get through with your call. Yes, most people simply wanted to take a peak. They didn't take any volunteers, and nobody really cared about the police. People just wanted to see. So it felt a little wrong. Well, at least this is Minnesota and nobody was fooling with the cops and did whatever they said, but the sheer size of the crowds sure obstructed the initial effort.

Other then the CIA, you could see jackets from all sorts of agencies including some weird ones like the Secret Service, police and firefighters from around the area, and sheriffs towing their patrol boats. The west side of the bridge, on top in this picture, is right at the foot of the Red Cross building were I sometimes go to donate blood. A large facility with all sorts of services and a small fleet of disaster response vehicles. They were at the scene right away as well. Turns out they've been hiding a helicopter somewhere, too.

The Tenth Avenue bridge was closed and used as a lending site for that very helicopter. Must have been somewhat unnerving experience for the pilot. Of course they needed the bridge to go around the scene. I just wished I saw the the scene for myself. So as the tape was beeing stretched, I backed up and went around, to the Stonearch pedestrian bridge up the waterflow. Teemed with a friend and tried to use a walking trail along the west bank to get a little closer. That was packed with people and behind the yellow tape, with a bunch of idle police and firefighters. They just stood there with nothing to do as they had no access to the scene. Finally one police chick decided to show some initiative and push the people completely out. We backed up and headed to the west side. As we circled around, it seemed a curtain was being put down around the scene. Any place that you could possibly see part of the bridge that landed in the water was closed and guarded by cops. That ended being a huge "detour" we had to walk that evening. Next day, much of the roads were open, but still not a single place to see the scene. They even closed a tiny pedestrian bridge down from the Tenth.

So with all the effort, I saw the tails of the bridge, that very school bus and the crushed train up close, but not a glimpse of that piece of the bridge that fell first and was now in the river. I think this is done quite on purpose. The question is of course, what's the point? Perhaps to prevent people from seeing the cars being lifted, to postpone the final announcement of the fatalities count. Perhaps by the time they have to announce final count, some famous chick will go to jail and the attention will have shifted. To me though this is rather disappointing. This is local event, happened next door so to speak, in a place I see everyday, and the only way for me to "witness" it is through some news program. That is, there are no witnesses, even though so many people will still feel they have witnessed the events. That sorta kills the whole concept.