Friday, April 20, 2007

Driving Visitors

I installed Google Analytics script into my blog and see how many people stop by, and from where (that information comes from your IP address which can be located down to about a city). The first shocker is that I get visitors from all across the globe and from all over the North America. No major cities in the US, just a single hit from Los Angeles.

No one really comes back, and I conclude that they come with blogger's "Next Blog" feature or something similar. In fact when I use it a lot myself, I get a spike in visitors. Looks like a way to give a little boost to traffic! I wonder how did you get to this page yourself.


Andrea (Acolyte) said...

I saw your comment on Rosa De Rosas and clicked on your name to look at your blog. It takes a while to have people read your blog. I've been at if for over a year now, and I have a few hits, but not many. Just keep writing.


7 Bates said...

You made a terribly bright comment on my blog. I just had to find out more. I think thats one of the most fun little perks of blogging - others.

Monkey and banana said...

yes, and it's amazing to find comments from all sorts of people i could never meet otherwise!