Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I had a coffee-free Sunday past weekend. I like coffee and have been drinking it in various forms for a long time now. The problem is, I've got to the point of drinking it instead of water. Evenings have long been a taboo - that's the best thing I've ever done to my day rhythm, but other then that I would use any opportunity to down a dose. Limiting did not work. I had to stop drinking my office nearly-free nearly-coffee, and that meant taking from home - cold, vented and often forgotten, or buying from Startbucks - but I have a much better use for the buck.

So this Sunday I just did not start my dripper, and went without coffee for the whole day. Sounds easy enough, but now that I think about it, I probably did not have a coffee-free day in at least five years. That's right, not a single day!

It felt OK, slow and even a little lethargic, perhaps a little disoriented. I was still enthusiastic enough to go out and later watch a movie, and make plenty of calls. Nothing like a withdrawal, really. It hit me in the night, right in base of my skull, strong enough a headache to wake me up. So Monday morning was Excedrin (that has plenty of caffeine by itself, so that broke the abstinence) and a whole lot of coffee. Today, I did it again, and I'll keep the pills ready and my fingers crossed.

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