Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Let The Nutjobz Die

This dude is the Kansas City mall shooter. He was nuts and an alcoholic. He had minor violations and certainly little respect in his community. He also was forcefully hospitalized after reported suicidal. Precisely the same way as the VTech shooter. He was older and recently quite his job at that mall's Target, similar to NASA shooter.
One has to wonder if they were on pills. What about the kids from high schools? Should the medical records be made public in case of felonies? Wait for big pharma to go nutz to protect their turf.


Unknown said...

for how long will do what?

Monkey and banana said...

what are you referring to?

Unknown said...

the comment u posted in my blog asking me "for how long will you do this?"

Monkey and banana said...

lol. i meant for how long will you have to drug yourself / eat your food like this.