Saturday, June 23, 2007


Here's a beginning of an article on modern pain killers:
You've got achy shoulders from carrying the kids, the groceries, or your incredibly heavy handbag. You look for the right pill to pop, but what should you take? Aspirin? Ibuprofen?

That's right, pain killers are for everyone! And if you get a tiny little muscle pain, that's your license to go take some medication. These same people that will say they would hit the gym if they weren't that busy, will run to their medicine cabinets the moment they happen to inadvertently get some exercise. This is the picture drug companies try to sell us. Pop a pill and be happy.

Yet anyone suffering from even modest headache knows that the fever pills you manage to pop over the days, the more stable the condition will be. In fact every bottle of painkillers will say about the same thing. At the same time drug manufacturers seem to play the double game by advancing the cause for painkillers with examples of some severe disease but then advertising painkillers for most innocent cases. And the CNN? Yeah, these got a McDonald's straw for their backbone. And the people? Well, people suffer from autoimmune and inflammatory disease more then ever.

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