Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Well, it had to happen one day, didn't it. In fact, twenty seven doesn't feel bad at all. Twenty five and six were really bad. You know, quarter life crisis, or whatever, you name it. 26 was actually much worse then 25, cuz 25 kinda looks round and not too late and 26 means you are past 25 and things just got worse anyways. So fuck 26. I actually am really happy about my birthday, though it really did seem a one way street the last couple times. So great. I also lost my house key.


Amy said...

Yay!!! Happy Birthday!!!! (My 27 isn't until September...FOREVER away.)

Did you at least eat something so very terrible for you? Or buy something way to expensive because birthdays are now officially depressing and new cool stuff is not depressing? :)

Or were you a responsible...adult. Ugh.

Monkey and banana said...

oh well. i treated that scooter that i got as a BD gift. it is just that i am a little impatient you see :))

Berkeley G. said...

HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Hopefully this will be a good year for you! :)