Monday, April 16, 2007

Deadly shooting at Virginia Tech, 33 dead

Virginia Tech woke up to gunshots this morning at quarter past seven. An account of the story is on CNN. The horror of the people barricading themselves from the shooter must have been unspeakable, and so the sadness of the parents and the loved ones. Read on once you have digested the story.

The suspect was a stereotypical Asian nerd gone postal (perhaps after pulling an all-nigher?):
"He was, I would say, about a little bit under six feet tall, young looking, Asian, dressed sort of strangely, almost like a boy scout, very short-sleeved light, tan shirt and some sort of ammo vest with black over it."
Isn't this story a little deja vu? Yes, even though this is the record shooting so far. The tech college kids are ahead of the high-schoolers, and of college shootings an Asian pinhead is ahead of them all. Nothings special in all this. Thirty tragedies is as bad as twenty. Extensive media coverage will bring attention of the future psychos. "Nucular" safety measures in schools and now perhaps at universities across the country will help to spend the money but wont stop future killings. America looses its memory and forgets its way. The way to dig down to the cause, to remedy if the cause cannot be fixed, and at all times to remain efficient and sincere about its goals.

After all these years, there is no explanation of why this happens. No studies are made public, there isn't a good public discussion. All that's said is "the boy had a good heart, we would never imagine; wait now that we think about it, he was a little wacko". Perhaps the truth is just too hard to swallow. What's even harder to swallow is the public that does not demand the answers and just tugs along - till the next time. If this incident gets a wider attention, some stupid PC story will be made up to make us happy. After that, it will be PC-illegal to question the cause of the shootings at all.

People seem unwilling to join about the cause. They either feel guilty or take it as entertainment. To help raise the awareness and keep the memories alive, there really got to be a ribbon for this. So that was my take on it.

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