Monday, May 21, 2007

Cards Mess

Just got a Discover Card replacement. Had it activated and asked why in the world did they send it to me. The customer care dude told me that's "security update". Total nonsense. Either they wanted to promote new features, or they messed or lost their records, or got hacked. Well, that's one expensive way to promote new features, could just send a letter, so that's two left.

The funny part is, this card has a different design. Discover takes pride in offering lots of different card images, and having me select a layout and then in a year send me a different, lame and generic card "update" really does not sound like a good marketing move.

On a completely unrelated note, US Bank is completely down and does not even allow internet payments. They are only left with web page standing. Customer care says they are "on maintenance".

This brings up an old issue. If large banks actually do screw up, will we ever know about it?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I always worry about wet areas on the belt at the grocery store too. What is it, why is it there, and what will happen to me if it touches my food??

And YES, checkout belts should be pink!! That's genius. :) I might have to bring that up at my favorite grocery store.