Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bush and Pope Meet, Annihilate Each Other

Well, not really. Whatever. These CNN pics made me realize that President can't see without reading glasses, but is well couched in body language rapport building. Both to be expected but still.


Berkeley G. said...

Cool pics. P.S. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I don't get why everyone has a right to be upset about the Paris ordeal because the sheriff explicitly stated that about 52 other people with the same exact crime/violation didn't spend any time in jail and if they were punished it was in their home with an ankle bracelet. With that fact, I cannot help but see that Paris is being treated unfairly. Plus, as he said, she's being treated like a football--jail, home, court, police escorts, jail again. I would be having a panic attack myself if I were in that situation. Just my thoughts, though.

Did you watch the Sat. night CNN Dem/Rep debate, btw?

Anonymous said...

Hey - you are a total asshole! And you still blog on this Google-owned piece of shit which makes your more of a corporate asswipe dupe.