Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Storm in the glass

Lindsay Lohan has been arrested again. Chasing, crashing other cars, completely wasted and with drugs. She says she is not guilty, apparently because it does not count if you can't remember. She also says she did not drink, but she is saying this after checking out of a rehab. Diagnosis seems rather easy, the chick is spoiled to the bone, sorta in the Paris league. These are celebrities, it appears OK to take their pictures when they clumsily fall down or show them without their underwear, but somehow it is not OK for the media to perhaps say these are spoiled little cunts with not much of a personality beyond their screenplays and perhaps we should all take some learning. How would that be more obscene then showing Britney's motherly twat? Perhaps neither reporters nor the audience for this kind of stories think in these kind of categories, or even has a clue. Now that's a problem, because you see the stories are on the frontline CNN coverage.

1 comment:

Berkeley G. said...

My sister told me over the weekend that La Lohan had been arrested again. I don't know, while it's obvious that she is, at least by definition, spoiled, I tend to feel worse for her than the other celebrities her age and in her crowd because you have to admit she has had an extremely crappy family life. I wouldn't wish her father problems on anyone. That said, she's definitely out of control.